Little egret spotted on Hackney Marshes and shared
on Twitter by @RoseStephensArt!
This is the Weekly Digest of Save Lea Marshes. We are an open group of people living in the Lea Valley area devoted to keeping the marshes and green spaces in good condition for wildlife and local people for now and in the future. To find out more about our work go to
www.saveleamarshes.org.ukThis week’s round-up includes:
MYSTERY HOUSE – no not as featured on “Escape to the Country” but the one on the edge of Hackney Marshes, next to the Travellers’ site that we reported on last week. Further enquiries have revealed that this was sold by Hackney Council about ten years ago, so we are now following up on who owns it...
CLIP CLOTS – one of our intrepid correspondents has had a response to an enquiry from Vibrant Partnerships otherwise known as the Lee Valley Trust Ltd., on the precise whereabouts of the signage board depicting the information about routes for horse riders on the marshes. The reply states that it is: ‘at the entrance to the parks as one leave’s the paddocks and joins the Lee Valley pathway on the right-hand side’. Furthermore, the letter states that the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (with whom previous correspondence has been conducted and the body which gets guidance on such matters from Walthamstow Marsh from Natural England), has had this role seemingly passed to the Trust. Also, the Lee Valley Riding Centre is: ‘not responsible for monitoring riders’ and there ‘ have been no official reports made to the Centre’ (which it is not monitoring anyway) but there is a promised of (no date given) a future review.
ICE-SAY – the LVRPA are conducting their next round of consultations. On Saturday 30 April from 10.30-11.30 a.m. there will be a meeting for Ice Centre users (presumably at the Ice Rink – check he LVRPA website
www.leavalley.org.uk/events ) and another for other local people added on to the Workshop at the Waterworks Centre, Lea Bridge Road from 1.00-3.30 (this is an extra half an hour to the previously advertised meeting). Another date is also being fixed for SLM and other local groups possibly on the 26-27 March (we’ll keep you updated).
PETITION OF THE WEEK – last week we mentioned the new Pesticide Free Hackney launch. There is now a petition against use of glyphosate and other chemicals being used on Hackney streets. Used for weed control, these substances have been found to be carcinogenic. To sign the petition go to
https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/pesticide-free-hackney-1IN THE PRESS - “Bomb disposal unit explode grenades..” dog walker finds unexploded devices in a wooded area in Epping.
www.guardian-series.co.uk/news“Seeds are finally planted for Britain’s biggest edible park” – feature on Mabley Green, p.14 Hackney Gazette, 31 March
www.hackneygazette.co.uk/news In The Guardian 31 March, “Member of EDF board urges power plant delay” and “£2.8bn effort to keep lights on in UK ‘wasteful and not working’ p.24 and “Hinkley C needs Plan B”, p.25
www.guardian.co.uk and “Mild winter boosts tally of small birds visiting gardens” p.11 (good news) but terrible news of “Sea levels may rise more rapidly than forecast”, p.14 scientists find ice far less stable than was thought.. Also “UK and US to test nuclear plant resilience” p.14
www.guardian.co.ukFUNDING NEWS - the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces - representing 5,000 local friends of parks and open spaces groups – has informed us of up to £12k for local green spaces improvements that have community benefit but do not charge for access, being administered by the Groundwork Trust via the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ scheme. This is money raised by charging customers 5p for plastic bags (which we hope will not end up in our parks and open spaces). The scheme opens on 18 April and details found on
http://www.groundwork.org.uk/tescobagsofhelpOur friends at Voluntary Action Waltham Forest have also sent us information on:
(1) A Community Access Fund from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (deadline 23 August 2016 for projects that must be scheduled before 1 September) to cover costs of group sports tester sessions and
(2) Comic Relief Fund Local Communities Programme (rolling programme until 4 October 2016) for service-led groups empowering local people to make a change in their local communities. Further details see
http://www.voluntaryAction.net/services/fundraisingEVENTSAdvance news of the annual
Walthamstow Garden Party on Saturday 16 July from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. NEXT SLM MEETING ON MONDAY 4 APRIL 2016 AT THE PRINCESS OF WALES, LEA BRIDGE ROAD AT 7.30 P.M.
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