Friday 13 February 2015

Boardwalk Replacement

The wire mesh was put in when I threatened legal action for compensation, citing inadequate attention to duty of care!
It was originally a plain wooden boardwalk  (built mostly by unpaid YOP slaves, not volunteers or paid workers) and the surface became desperately slippery in wet weather. While leading a wintertime "gripe walk" for NLLDC in the 1990s, I slipped on what was actually ice and was sliding under the handrail feet first towards the frozen surface of the flooded marsh below when a colleague grabbed me by one flailing forearm and yanked me back up.
He may have saved my life. But it tore a muscle as I badly ricked my back (and it possibly may have predisposed my shoulder to the dislocation I suffered a few years ago).
It was agonising. I lost several days off work (as a NHS zero-hours temp, this was a considerable financial blow) and could only work part-time for a week or so too, as my back got stiff and painful typing in one position all day. I also had to take even more time off over the next 6 weeks to attend physiotherapy appointments.
My first thought was that this could happen to someone else, so I rang the LVRPA and said if something wasn't done at once to improve the boardwalk surface I would sue for distress and injury caused and loss of earnings. Two days later the chicken wire was rolled out and tacked down. I have heard of no further similar accidents. I could have gone ahead and sued anyway, but didn't feel up to dealing with legal proceedings at the time and the response to the ultimatum had been swift and effective.
Good that the boardwalk is being replaced. Could it be a bit longer eastwards though?
(Any chance of a kink or a spur towards AV Roe's historic aircraft hangar under the viaduct and on to take in one of the GER boundary markers at the southern extent of their Lammas strip in the marsh?)

From:"Johnson, Gavin" <>
Date:Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 at 16:01
Subject:Workshop Reminder Additional Updates
Dear All,

I am writing with a reminder that the next Walthamstow Marshes Site Management Workshop will be on Sunday 22nd February, 1pm – 3pm at The WaterWorks Centre. The workshop will include;

1.       Woodland Management on Walthamstow Marshes
2.       Walthamstow Marshes Newsletter
3.       Proposed art project on Walthamstow Marshes

Also, some additional updates on upcoming works since my last email;

·         Boardwalk
The current boardwalk across South Marsh is reaching the end of its life and so LVRPA is aiming to replace it from revenue budgets in the next few months. The replacement will have an improved non slip surface as oppose to the current wire mesh.

·         Meadow cuts
In line with management recommendations made in the London Wildlife Trust’s biological survey of Leyton Marsh some meadow cuts will take place on the semi-improved grassland areas on Leyton Marsh in March/early April. These areas will then be cut again in the autumn.

I look forward to seeing you on 22nd.

Best wishes


Gavin Johnson - South Ranger
Parklands and Venues
Direct line: 020 8988 7565

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Myddleton House,Bullscross, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 9 HG
Telephone:01992717711 Fax:01992719937

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