Monday 20 October 2014

Works on Hackney Marshes

Hackney Marshes Users Group
Caroline -
Big news: Jules Pipe has posted a response to your petition, Cllr Jonathan McShane, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Leisure: Halt your plans to build on open green space on Hackney Marshes!. This is a great opportunity to engage in a conversation that can lead to victory. Here's what it says:

The Council has put forward plans to improve the facilities on the Marshes for the benefit of local residents and the many visitors from various sporting groups who regularly travel to Hackney to participate and compete in their chosen sports.
There are many benefits to providing modern, accessible and fit for purpose facilities which will allow the Marshes to be enjoyed by everyone who wishes to visit including, but not limited to, improving general public health.

You may be aware that the Council has also received a petition in favour of the proposals, so it is clear that this is an issue about which people feel very strongly.

This is a complicated matter. The applications must be approved by the Council’s own Planning Sub-Committee. This is a quasi-judicial process involving councillors making decisions within a strict rigid framework. As Mayor of Hackney I am prohibited from influencing or intervening in this decision-making process.

Finally, as you are aware it has recently been announced that the Planning Inspectorate plan to hold a public enquiry into this matter and the Council is currently awaiting notification from them on when this should be expected to take place.

Further information on the planning application and responses from the Council to some of the issues raised can be found on the Council’s website at
Yours sincerely
Jules Pipe
Mayor of Hackney

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