DIRTY DIESEL – Neighbours have been left “extremely sad’ after an oil tank ruptured and spilt 5k litres of diesel into the River Lea near Markfield Park, which spread 2 kilometres to Tottenham Weir. The Environment Agency (EA) and Thames Water are dealing with the clean up which is likely to be toxic all kinds of wildlife on the river. More on the story
hereTHERE MAY BE RUBBLE AHEAD – an SLM member has just updated on the “mash-up” of vegetation that is happening on the Lea Bridge Road section of the Waltham Forest Mini Holland Scheme – already running behind schedule. More trees cut down, vegetation trashed and lots of rubble .. no thought for the wildlife that thrive in habitat that some might not regard as tidy but acts as an important breeding ground and link to wider landscape. Here’s just one photo courtesy of the photographer.
KNOW THY TWITTERNS FROM THY BYWAYS? Rights of Way, have not been fully mapped in Waltham Forest and as a new law which requires them being mapped by 2026 or lost forever has been introduced, local people are taking action. A meeting has been organised for this coming Wednesday 13 April from 6.30-7.30 p.m. in the garden of the Nag’s Head, Orford Road, Waltham Forest to discuss the mapping process and make a start on some of the nearby byways and passage ways.
A group of volunteers will be formed to take a grid, walk and map it and then add to a whole picture. Even if you can’t do a lot, every little will help. If you like the idea and want to come along to the meeting or offer help contact Abi:
abigail.woodman@btinternet.comSURVEY - Friends of the London Green Spaces Friends Groups have alerted SLM to a report on the state of UK Public Parks compiled in 2014 from a survey of Friends and local community groups involved with their local parks. A new survey is now being carried out. If you are a member of a local friends group please go to:
https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=145856072517FUNDING – also of interest to friends of parks and other community groups - The City of London Growing Localities scheme is offering £5k awards to projects based in any London borough, where people are using growing or green space to help improve their communities. For details see:
www.lemosandcrane.co.ukSUTTON LANDS – CPRE London have informed us of their petition to try and stop Sutton Council from building on 10 protected Green Belt and MOL lands in the area – of local and London-wide importance. The closing date is 8 April but if this reaches you after this date it might be worth lobbing something in over the weekend just in case at
planningpolicy@sutton.gov.uk Please find further details on the CPRE website
www.cprelondon.org.ukICE-SAY AGAIN - A reminder about the upcoming opportunities to have your say about the Lea Valley Regional Park Authority’s proposals for a two-pad ice rink. The meetings are:
Wednesday 27 April 5 - 6pm (primarily for Ice Centre users)
7 - 8pm for others at the Lee Valley Ice Centre on Lea Bridge Road
Saturday 30 April 10.30-11.30am for Ice Centre Users at the Ice Centre
1.00-3.30pm at the Waterworks Centre, Lea Bridge Road for local people and community groups.This has been added on to the Workshop Meeting which will discuss other issues concerning the Lea Valley and LVRPA management.
The Waltham Forest Guardian features news that Jubilee Park in Ongar will be holding organised family fun day events every Friday in the summer.
The Waltham Forest Echo – the area’s up and coming independent newspaper features an article on p.5 about the transformation of the Lea Bridge Road area and other interesting local stories.
www.walthamforestecho.co.uk In Hackney
www.hackneygazette.co.uk/news : 69 flats planned for site of ‘free school’ where a former fire station set to become new primary, p.9; Hackney Council wins top award from the Local Government Chronicle panel said “the council had shown areas of high deprivation can also be areas of high achievement and praised it for its commitment to the community renewing public infrastructure, securing a legacy from 2012 and improving education”. Also, p.9. Letters Page has a letter calling on support to block the new Housing and Planning Bill email
brandon.lewis@communities.gsi.gov.uk and on the Property Page an advertisement for “Clissold Quarter” with a photo of “Lego-like” blocks that will be overlooking Clissold Park Hackney Gazette 7 April,
www.hackneygazette.co.uk/propertyNationally: Pollution alert as heat-wave hits UK (last weekend) - an ‘agricultural smog of toxic farm chemicals from Europe.. Sunday Times 3 April,
www.sundaytimes.co.uk/newspp.1-2; Battle begins to stop Thames becoming ‘skyscraper canyon’ and another story about Bigger Gatwick ‘threatens re-wilding' p.16 and Hackney’s in a bit of a state; three flags put up spelling Hackney – Is - Fashion in the new fashion district of Hackney where locals viewed the one bearing IS with some suspicion.. Focus p.21.
The Guardian 5 April p.17 Climate change will be worse than polio, says US health study, which includes the estimated numbers of heat-related deaths will increase by 11,000 by 2030.
www.guardian.co.uk/internationalEVENTS – our friends at The Mill have some great stuff coming up, which includes: “Tales from the Marsh” – drama/research workshops for Girls and Mothers starting Saturday mornings. To book call Siobhan O’Neill on 07989519522 or email
siobhan.oneill2014@live.rhul.ac.uk and there is also a fundraising Concert on Sunday 10 April from 4.00-5.00 p.m. at St. Barnabas Church E17 8JZ. Donations will go to The Mill. For details of these and other events go to
http://themill-coppermill.org/ There is also no-stopping Hedge Herbs for an interesting and ever expansive range of events. Their April update includes:
Sunday 23 April from 12.00-2.00 pm the monthly guided herb walk across Walthamstow Marshes, meet at The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7AH. Fee is £7.00 (£5.00 concessions) which must be booked in advance from Rasheeqa on 0778450649 or
rasheeqa@hedgeherbs.org.uk Sunday 17 April in collaboration with Hackney Herbs and Gone Wild Herbs an event at
Cordwainers Garden, 182 Mare Street, London,E8 3RG from 2.00-5.30.The April update also includes news of the
annual Radical Herbal Gathering on 3-5 June at Crabapple Community in Shropshire. www.hedgeherbs.org.uk for further details.
Next SLM MEETING ON MONDAY 18 APRIL AT 7.30 P.M. , PRINCESS OF WALES PUB, LEA BRIDGE ROAD. New people always welcome. We know it can be a bit daunting trying to catch up with the ‘minutae’ of SLM affairs but we do our best to get people up to speed – so don’t be shy, give SLM a try.