Thursday, 4 September 2014


This is the Weekly Digest of Save Lea Marshes a group of local people dedicated to keeping the Lea Valley and other greens spaces as green and development free as possible, so that wildlife and thrive and local people and future generations can enjoy and get the health benefits that access to green space can give.  We have a website and meet fortnightly.  New people are always welcome to add voices and energy to the campaign.
Firstly, apologies for problems with getting access to the links given in the Digest.  This is partly due to the occasional typo but also the way I have been in-putting them.  Someone is going to give this Luddite, some help with this but we haven't had time to arrange this yet.  In the meantime, if anything doesn't work, let us know, we are more than happy to make sure information gets through.
In the mix this week:
LESS-PARKING-ON-THE-MARSH - sounds like a village but in fact its what SLM is trying to convince the London Borough of Hackney to ensure.  Following on from last week's story in the "Hackney Gazette", there is a letter published as "letter of the week" on page 10; a story in process for the next issue of the "Hackney Citizen" and two petitions - one is an open one  and another for Hackney residents only through the official Council website under the heading official petition.   We will also be at the Chatsworth Road Festival on Saturday 6 September with leaflets and petitions.  If we achieve in excess of 750 signatures, then the issue of the sports pavilion and the car parks on Hackney and East Marsh will have to be debated at full Council.
SLM would also like to draw to your attention that there are two surveys that Hackney Council are carrying out which we think are relevant to the car parks on green spaces issues:
1.  Have your say on how to improve air quality in Hackney.  The Council wants to know local people's views as part of drawing up its Air Quality Action Plan, which sets out how to improve air quality in the next four years.  We are sure that you would like to tell them that increasing car access and parking on green spaces (disability access allowing), is one suggestion.  To respond visit  email or call 020 83564673 or post comments to Stephen Inch, Principal Pollution Control Officer (Air), Pollution Control Team, PO Box 70210, E8 9EJ Comments must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday 24 October.  Further details can be found on p.25 of "Hackney Today" or in the "Hackney Gazette".
2.  LBH are also working on a Draft Transport Strategy 2014-24 covering how to improve the range, flow and sustainability of transport in Hackney.  Again, this is an opportunity to make your views known on parking and driving vehicles on open spaces - see  or look on the LBH
THE GREAT CRANE SHUBBERY - moving from Hackney to Walthamstow, we got shocking news and pictures of a crane toppling over near the Springfield Marina, which has not only caused visable damage already but more is expected because a further two cranes are required to lift it, requiring cutting back on shrubbery habitat.  SLM will question why such cranes are necessary on the Marshes.
TRIANGLE - also on Walthamstow Marsh, an SLM member and Waltham Forest MP Stella Creasy have both received similar replies on why gates have been locked by Network Rail, which limit access to the area known as "The Triangle".  Network Rail insist that this has been done because of illegal camping and the risk of damage to the tracks which could cause serious injury.  However, some hold the view that the measures could have been taken closer to the tracks and not limited the general public's right of way quite so much.
SYNOGOGUE  - there has been a lot of correspondence this week about the site on Lea Bridge Road near the Lea Bridge Roundabout adjoining north Millfields, which used to be occupied by a fine old synagogue building.  It was knocked down without much notice a few years ago and has been awaiting development.  This has now come in the shape of a proposal to build a 5 storey block of flats.  Concerns have been expressed about the scale of the project and its effect on Millfields Park, with possible loss of trees but also about the impact of a food-growing allotment behind the site and the effect on local residents from the Beecholme Estate.  Councillors from Hackney's Lea Bridge Ward are on the case ...
The LVRPA are finally holding another Walthamstow Marshes Site Management Workshop on Saturday 6 September from 1.00 to 3.00 p.m. at the Waterworks Centre, Lea Bridge Road.  Topics they have set for discussion are:  review of water management in Walthamstow Marshes including ponds and ditches; a presentation on site security and a presentation on riding routes.  Do come along if you can to make your views known.  Previous experience of the LVRPA's "workshops", which were introduced to replace the Forums earlier this year are more  "presentational"  than  " participatory" in style to be described as workshops, but we can but try not to get frustrated..
Also, on Saturday 6 September running from 10.00 a.m. to 9 p.m. is the Chatsworth Road Festival, so as mentioned above, SLM will be going to draw people's attention to the plight of our green spaces.
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and the London Wildlife Trust (LWT) are working in partnership to try and increase investment in natural heritage by encouraging smaller groups to apply for funding for schemes that can improve local areas and/or help to connect people to local nature.  There will be a workshop held at LWT Camley Street Natural Park, 12 Camley Street N1C 4PW on Friday 24 October from 10.30.  RSVP to Gillian Goode at HLF by email  before 19 September (indicating whether you are able to attend both morning and/or afternoon sessions).  Further information will be sent to delegates later.  In the meantime further information can be gained from or 
Next SLM meeting will be on Monday 8 September - 7- 7.30 ish - time and place to be finalised in next week's Digest.

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